Replacing Your Hot Water Heater - No Plumber Required

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If you are replacing the old water heater with a new unit that is similar to the old one, you will not find it very difficult to replace it. Moreover, if you follow the steps below, it will certainly make your task much easier.

- Shut off the water supply

- If you have a gas heater, shut off the gas supply, or if you have an electric heater, turn off the power supply.

- The next step is to drain the water from the tank. If you do not have a floor drain underneath the valve, you can connect a hose to the drain valve, near the base of the tank. Run it to a nearby drain or outdoors, and then open the valve.

- Unscrew the inlet and outlet fittings from the top of the tank, using two wrenches.

- If you have a gas water heater, turn off the gas inlet valve. Disconnect the union or flare fitting between the gas supply pipe and the inlet valve. You can use two wrenches to disconnect the same. You will also find a flue hat at the top of the tank. It expels gases into the flue. Remove this flue hat as well.

- Remove the old water heater.

- Set the new water heater carefully in place so that the burner and controls are accessible. Make sure that there is at least six inches of clearance around its perimeter, and it is away from any flammable materials.

- It is better if you fill the base with pieces of asphalt shingles or plastic wedges.

- Wrap the threads of the heat trap fittings with pipe-wrap tape.

- Connect blue thread of the fittings into the cold water inlet of the water heater, and red into the hot water outlet.

- Be careful while connecting the same. Make sure that the arrows are marked on the fittings point in the water flow direction.

- On the inlet and outlet pipes of water heater install the new flexible connectors.

- Make sure that all connections are complete.

- Open the shutoff wall and fill the tank.

- Open a few hot-water faucets so that the air in the pipes should bleed off.

- Now assemble the gas pipes per the manufacturer's instruction.

- Brush soapy water on all the connections, and carefully watch it should not produce any bubbles. If it does, recheck the connection once again.

Some Other Handy Tips

- Check with your local building department and confirm whether your home is in an earthquake zone. Install straps around the new water heater.

- If the height of the new tank is different from the old one, you will have to use flexible pipe connectors for the water inlet and outlet. This will make them able to bend whenever it is needed to make the hookup.

In case the pipes are not threaded, replace them with threaded nipples. Use an adjustable wrench to adjust the connectors to the nipples.

Hence, if you follow the above steps and the tips, you will find it very simple to replace a water heater.

Source: Free Articles

Author: askafriend

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Energy Efficient Water Heaters

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There has been a lot of talk recently about how we all need to do our part to make our world a greener place to live in. A great way to start pitching in is by simply making a few changes right in your own home. Changing out your old hot water heater for a newer more efficient version is both simple, eco-friendly, and goes a long way towards helping our environment.

Older electric water heaters consume larger amounts of energy than either their natural gas or oil fired counterparts. More energy usage creates a higher demand on our local power plants. Studies show that a typical family of four using a traditional electric water heater over the course of one year, uses enough energy to cause a typical power plant to emit about eight tons of carbon dioxide into our air. This is almost double the carbon dioxide fumes emitted by a typical family automobile. A family of four using a natural gas or oil fired water heater over the same period of time will only contribute around two tons of carbon dioxide into the air. By switching from your old electric water heater you can save energy, utility costs, and the air we breathe.

Solar water heaters are also a good choice. Several homes have sufficient access to sunlight to have a solar water heater installed with no problems. They can also work in all climates.

Solar water heaters also offer some financial benefits. Although the initial cost is more, between $1500.00 and $3500.00 for a solar water heater versus $150.00 and $450.00 for an electric or gas water heater, you will immediately see the savings in your electric or natural gas bills. The amount you will save in energy bills will pay for the new solar water heater on average in four to eight years.

Solar water heaters last just as long as more conventional water heaters, on average 15-40 years. After the initial time it takes for your solar system to pay for itself, paying zero in energy costs virtually means free hot water for you and your family. More savings can be found by checking with your tax consultant. Starting in 2005 the US government began offering homeowners up to 30% tax credit off the cost of installing their new solar powered water heater. Restrictions do apply, so be sure to check with you tax professional for details.

If you decide that installing a solar water heater is right for you and your family, be sure to hire a qualified professional to help you with this project. Certified installers will be familiar with any zoning and building codes in your area as well as if you will need a building permit for installation. For help finding a professional in your area, check with Five Star Consumer Referrals, Inc.

Shannon Shimizu is a small business owner of a contracting referral service called Five Star Consumer Referrals, Inc. The Five Star vision grew out of frustration of not knowing any reliable contractors for home improvement and repair projects. The goal of the business was to supply homeowners with excellent contractors who were licensed, insured, bonded and whose references were checked. Homeowners were thrilled with the prospect of having an outside third party who had a vested interest in the outcome of their home improvement project, and contractors were very happy to have a generous source of qualified leads.

In addition to running her business, Shannon is a wife and mother to two young children. Juggling motherhood and a full time business can be stressful, but the rewards of being able to work from home and raise her children is well worth the tradeoff.

For more information on Five Star Consumer Referrals, Inc.

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What's The Best Way To Maintain My Water Heater?

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Since most water heaters that utilize hot water tanks have a span of roughly ten years, it is important to regularly maintain your water heater to ensure that it is working properly. In fact, a well maintained water heater will reward you with a longer lifespan, possibly up to twenty years, so make sure that you check and repair problems as they occur.

One of the most common problems experienced by water heaters is a build up of sediment. Mineral deposits can form at the bottom of your tank and, over time, this greatly affects the efficiency of your water heater. You can maintain your water heater by regularly (at least once or twice a year) emptying out the water so that you can clean out the bottom of the tank. When you find the sediment, you will need to open the drain valve so that you can flush out the sediment through the drain. Just flush out the tank by using several buckets of water until the water runs clear and there are no signs of sediment left. By removing sediment and making sure that your water tank is free of mineral buildup, you can prevent serious damage from occurring to your water heater and increase the expected life span.

Since most water heaters that utilize hot water tanks have a span of roughly ten years, it is important to regularly maintain your water heater to ensure that it is working properly. In fact, a well maintained water heater will reward you with a longer lifespan, possibly up to twenty years, so make sure that you check and repair problems as they occur.

This article has been provided courtesy of (, the nation's #1 directory of local plumbers. Find a local plumber or plumbing contractor by zip code and get free plumbing tips and advice at

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Water Heater Tips and Tricks

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It's easy to forget about your water heater. It sits up in your attic or in your garage silently and reliably putting out hot water. It's easy to forget about it until something goes wrong. Water heaters are not as maintenance free as some people would like to believe. This article has some useful tips on keeping your water heater running well for some time to come.

To lower the stress on your water heater and to lower your utility bills, set your thermostat at or around 120 degrees. Any more than that and you put extra pressure on the heater and take the chance of burns caused by scalding water. Many people outgrow their water heater and turn up the thermostat to provide more hot water. Instead, you should add a second heater or upgrade to a larger tank.

Another thing you should do to extend the life of your water heater is to drain the tank of sediment regularly. Even so called self cleaning water heaters can develop a buildup of sediment on the bottom of the tank. Periodically drain the tank to clear the sediment and prevent the bottom of the tank from rusting. While you are at it, make sure that you have a drain pan installed underneath the tank. In case of a break, it will keep your home from flooding. Check the drain often to make sure it is not clogged.

To make your water heater more efficient and save a little money on your electric bill, buy a water heater jacket to place around your tank. It will slow down heat loss through the tank. While you are at it, insulate any exposed hot water pipes. Before doing any of this insulation, check with the manufacturer of your heater to see if they approve of it

By putting these simple steps into effect, you can greatly extend the life of your water heater and improve its efficiency. By not forgetting about your water heater, you can save yourself hundreds of dollars and a lot of aggravation.

James C operates the Plumbers Directory. Find information on local plumbers, water heaters, toilets, pipes, faucets and all things plumbing.

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